November 9th is National Scrapple Day!

Written by Adam Gerard | November 9, 2016 at 2:21 PM | 2 Comments

Written by Adam Gerard | November 9, 2016 at 2:21 PM | 2 Comments

November 9th is National Scrapple Day!

Today, November 9, is National Scrapple Day (though I'm sure you already knew that and were celebrating by heating up your scrapple breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner).

In addition to eating scrapple, we should also use this day to educate others about this wonderful but underappreciated breakfast meat.

So in honor of National Scrapple Day, I put together these quick Scrapple Facts in the image below. Share this post with others, or save the image and share that. Spread the word!

National Scrapple Day Graphic.png

Celebrate National Scrapple Day by teaching someone about a new delicious food: scrapple! 

Topics: scrapple toppings, scrapple facts

Adam Gerard

Adam Gerard has been mildly obsessed with scrapple ever since he was introduced to it at the age of 15.

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