Learn the Lyrics to the Scrapple Song and Sing Along

Written by Adam Gerard | March 30, 2012 at 7:30 AM | 4 Comments

Written by Adam Gerard | March 30, 2012 at 7:30 AM | 4 Comments

Learn the Lyrics to the Scrapple Song and Sing Along

The Scrapple Song lyrics:
Grind up a pig
Put it in a can

Grind up a pig
Put it in a can

Yes I am a scrapple man!
I think I'll have another can!

Grind up a pig
Put it in a can

It's so dang catchy it'll be in your head all day long.

Do you have your own scrapple song? Sing it to us in the comments!

Topics: what is scrapple, scrapple songs

Adam Gerard

Adam Gerard has been mildly obsessed with scrapple ever since he was introduced to it at the age of 15.

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